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CNN seems to consider damaged motorcycle more important than injured Palestinian children

CNN’s choice of a photo for its latest online news story on Israel-Palestine is revealing.

In its report on the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, “Palestinians: Israeli strikes in Gaza kill 1, wound 15,” CNN features one photo. It is a picture of a charred motorcycle.

CNN reports: “Palestinian militants say they have fired 20 mortar rounds from Gaza into Israel in retaliation for airstrikes that killed one person and wounded 15 others.”

Later in the story CNN mentions that some of the “others” were children but gives no additional details. According to reports from other sources, at least five of the injured were children, including one infant.

There are a number of photographs of these children.

Yet, CNN didn’t publish any of them, and instead used a photo of a motorcycle.

Below are some of the photos CNN missed. (Click on each photo to see the source.)



In the last paragraph of its story, CNN reports: “On the Israeli side, there were no injuries and only minor property damage…”


Below is the CNN story:

Palestinians: Israeli strikes in Gaza kill 1, wound 15

By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 12:19 PM EDT, Mon October 8, 2012

(CNN) — Palestinian militants say they have fired 20 mortar rounds from Gaza into Israel in retaliation for airstrikes that killed one person and wounded 15 others.

The Israel Defense Force said an airstrike Sunday evening targeted two members of a Gaza-based jihad network who were suspected in a June attack that left an Israeli Arab citizen dead.

Two militants and nine civilians, including children, were injured when a rocket hit a motorcycle in Rafah, a town on the Gaza-Egypt border, said Ashraf al-Qidra, a Gaza Health Ministry spokesman. One of those victims died of his wounds Monday.

The IDF, meanwhile, said it targeted terror operations in southern Gaza on Monday following another round of mortars.

The IDF said it responded to the rockets by launching tank shells, though a Health Ministry official in Gaza said it was an airstrike.

Five more people were injured in that operation, the Health Ministry spokesman said Monday.

On the Israeli side, there were no injuries and only minor property damage reported in the barrage, Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said.


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