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David Brooks’ son is in the Israeli Military… Inside & outside the Mondoweiss, Common Dreams loop…

The following explores a variety of cover-ups and sort of cover-ups…

David Brooks is a prominent and powerful journalist. He is a columnist for the New York Times and a commentator for PBS New Hour and NPR.

Now we learn, through an article in Jewish Journal, that Brooks’ son is in the Israeli military. In other words, he has a profound conflict with impartiality, as the New York Times ethics code calls it, and Brooks, the Times, NPR, etc. have not revealed this to the public.

The Jewish Journal article reports:

One of the more interesting nuggets buried in a long, Hebrew-language interview with New York Times columnist David Brooks in the recent Ha’aretz magazine is the revelation, toward the very end, that Brooks’s oldest son serves in the Israel Defense Forces.

I find it interesting, and disturbing, that Ha’aretz hid this information from its English readers.

(By the way, I have written extensively about numerous journalists having close personal and family ties to the Israeli military – see below.)

Philip Weis has a strong article that tells about Brooks’ reporting, and notes:

So when David Brooks was commenting favorably on Israel’s onslaught on Gaza this summer on National Public Radio, his son was serving in the Israeli army. Why didn’t NPR tell us?”

 It is ironic, then, that Weiss also decides not to tell readers insider information he feels they shouldn’t know:

“This is now the third Times reporter/writer whose son has gone into the Israeli Defense Forces. Famously Ethan Bronner, of course…  and a third person I will not identify (I know the individual personally, the beat didn’t involve the Middle East, the son left before long).”

Weiss’s reluctance to share his insider information with others is a bit reminiscent of Ha’aretz. Perhaps it’s ok, since this is a personal friend. But it shows again that some are inside a loop that the rest of us aren’t.

This is also reminiscent of Common Dreams, which exposed an Israel-partisan who posed as an anti-Semite on numerous websites, but refused to disclose his name, thus keeping its insider information away from the rest of us – even though many of our websites may also have been victimized by this infiltrator.

Again, some are in the loop. The rest of us aren’t.


Some of my articles on US journalists’ personal ties to the Israeli military

Myra Noveck & the New York Times: Another journalist with children in the Israeli military

Jodi Rudoren, Another Member Of The Family: Meet The New York Times’ New Israel-Palestine News Chief 

US Media and Israeli Military: All in the Family 

 Ethan Bronner’s Conflict With Impartiality 

 Is “pundit” actually Israeli military officer? 

AP’s Matti Friedman: Israeli citizen and former Israeli soldier