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Month: February 2009

Anti-Defamation League Defames Me – My Letter to the ADL

I’ve discovered that the Anti-Defamation League, whose devotion to Israel-right-or-wrong many people feel is extremely destructive, has listed me first in those it has decided are “anti-Israel.” In looking through their entry about me, I’ve noticed a number of distortions and inaccuracies; however, I generally don’t think it’s worthwhile to…

Media misreport cease-fire violations, again

Killing Palestinians doesn’t count: Is a ceasefire breached only when an Israeli is killed? [ —] [Earlier Version published by CounterPunch, Jan. 29, 2009:] Killing Palestinians doesn’t count: Is a ceasefire breached only when an Israeli is killed? On January 27th media headlines trumpeted that Palestinians had broken…