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Daily News

I guess I should make it official: we have renamed our daily news site and are now calling it “Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines”

The purpose is, as always, to give the news that the mainstream media (and numerous not so mainstream ones) are largely omitting. The reports are mostly from the Palestinian, Israeli, and Jewish press (which covers Israel, the Lobby, and related subjects extensively), with additional reports from various NGOs, the UN, eyewitnesses in the area, etc.

We also try to include links to additional information, to make the context clearer to those new to this issue.

We seem to often be finding stories that others have missed, so I suggest that people check the site regularly. Even more important, please tell others about it.

Please help spread the word!

We have created small business-sized cards giving our website (and statistics on deaths and aid to Israel), which people can order to disseminate widely. I always carry these in my pocket, to give out, place on car windshields, etc.  I feel that when more Americans visit out website, our news site, and the numerous other excellent websites that we point people toward, the media misinformation and omission on Palestine will be overcome and Americans will demand new policies.

You can order these cards on our site directly or by sending an email to — tell us how many you want and give us your mailing address. If you can accompany this with a donation, that would be great — we request $2 per 50 cards, plus postage.

Also, please join our extremely low-volume email list!!

Don’t worry — we send very few messages. However, when we have new materials or there is something critical that we feel you would want to know about, we send the information out on this list. (Also, this is the way that we alert people when I’m giving talks in their state.)

Since we have several new projects coming up soon, we hope you’ll join this now!