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Month: February 2010

Britain’s Inquiry into the Iraq War and the Israel Lobby Taboo – Stephen Sniegoski

Below is Stephen Sniegoski’s informative article: Government investigations of controversial events are invariably whitewashes to protect the government and eliminate the truth.  So it is to a large degree with Britain’s Iraq Inquiry,  which Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced on  June 15,  2009 for the stated purpose of identifying lessons…

Other journalists with ties to the Israeli military… Is Ethan Bronner the rule rather than the exception?

Now that there has been so much controversy over the fact that the son of the New York Times‘ Israel-Palestine bureau chief is serving in the Israeli army, more is starting to come out about other major journalists who had/have their own intimate connections to the IDF. Jewish Week reports…

Organ trafficking in Haiti?

Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive of Haiti told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Jan. 27th that there had been reports of child trafficking and organ trafficking in Haiti… CNN news report on this – “Traffickers targeting Haiti’s children, human organs, PM says” (CNN) — Trafficking of children and human organs is occurring…