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Month: March 2012

White House Correspondents Association refuses table to Helen Thomas at upcoming dinner – on 50th anniversary of allowing women journalists to attend, a breakthrough accomplished by Helen

I just sent the following message to the president of the White House Correspondents Association about their decision to refuse to allow Helen Thomas to purchase a table at their upcoming dinner. I hope others will contact them about this, also. (202-266-7453 phone; 202-266-7454 fax) Dear Caren Bohan, I hope…

HR 347: How did another assault on our rights slip through without anybody noticing?

H.R.347, the `Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011′ has just been passed. This makes it a federal offense, with imprisonment of at least up to one year, for any “unauthorized” person to enter or remain in a building — or the grounds — where the Secret Service…