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Month: October 2012

West Coast Memorial celebrating the life and work of Alexander Cockburn

  Alexander Cockburn June 06, 1941 – July 21, 2012 Master of Ceremonies – Jeffrey St. Clair Speakers Joseph Paff Conn Hallinan Alison Weir Scott Handleman David Yearsley Fred Gardner, with guitar Becky Grant Jack Heyman Justin Raimondo Zach Blue Sheryl Chard Frank Bardacke Bruce Anderson Daisy Cockburn * COUNTERPUNCH,…

AP again skews the story, this time about Israeli attacks on Palestinian farmers

…It’s interesting to examine how the Associated Press reported on a recent statement by the UN envoy to Israel-Palestine demanding that Israel protect Palestinian farmers from daily attacks by Israeli settlers. The situation is dire for Palestinian farmers. In the first weeks of the olive harvest, a critical period for…

Alice Rothchild: “The Big Hats”

I was just forwarded the following blog posting, written by Alice Rothchild, who apparently is in Palestine with the DCI Delegation ( ). (I hope she isn’t now “disavowed” for her subject matter!) [When I have the url for these posts, I’ll add it so that people can go directly…

CNN seems to consider damaged motorcycle more important than injured Palestinian children

CNN’s choice of a photo for its latest online news story on Israel-Palestine is revealing. In its report on the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, “Palestinians: Israeli strikes in Gaza kill 1, wound 15,” CNN features one photo. It is a picture of a charred motorcycle. CNN reports: “Palestinian militants…

NY Times headline reverses chronology, story leaves out important information

Does the New York Times consider Israeli goats more important than Palestinian children? Today’s New York Times features a headline that reverses the sequence of events described in the story it is allegedly representing. It also omits significant information. The headline reads: “Israel Launches Airstrikes After Attacks From Gaza” in…