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Month: September 2013

Former S Dakota prof Harry Greenbaum tries to block talk in Brookings

Another professor is also attempting to prevent students and others from learning facts he dislikes. However, while Greenbaum (and perhaps others) have succeeded in pressuring the South Dakota World Affairs Council to drop its sponsorship of my presentation, and they all assumed that this would cancel the event, in reality…

Augustana College Prof Murray Haar is trying to block my talks in South Dakota

Apparently, Dr. Murray Haar, chairperson of the Religion, Philosophy, and Classics Departments at Augustana College in South Dakota, is trying to pressure colleges to cancel my upcoming lectures on Israel, Palestine, and America. He is also, it appears, trying to pressure the media not to cover them. It’s so sad…

Israel partisans distribute misinformation about “Against Our Better Judgment”

At my recent presentation in Colorado Springs, an Israel partisan distributed a flyer entitled “A Critique of Alison Weir’s Book, Against Our Better Judgment (16 September, 2013).” When I had a chance to look at this flyer, I discovered that its claims had little relation to my book/booklet. In fact,…

The UN did NOT create Israel

I thought I would clarify the question of whether the UN “created Israel,” since most people – even many of those who are otherwise well-versed on Palestine – are misinformed on this important matter. The fact is that UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the Partition Plan (read below), was a…

Larry Summers

With all the attention on Larry Summers’ possible appointment as the Fed Chief (he has now withdrawn his name) I thought I’d post a little info on him. A while ago Ron Unz reported, “[Summers] seems to have played a major role in transmuting Harvard from a renowned university to an…