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Month: October 2014

PBS and NPR appear to have collaborated on their responses to the David Brooks controversy

PBS NewsHour Executive Producer Sara Just and NPR Standards Editor Mark Memmott seem to have come up with almost identical statements about commentator David Brooks’ conflict of interest. (Brooks, who works for the New York Times, NPR and PBS, had kept hidden the fact that his son was serving in…

NPR’s standards editor & ombudsman minimize and/or ignore NPR ethics requirements regarding David Brooks

In recent weeks I’ve phoned and emailed the NPR ombudsman’s office several times about commentator David Brooks’ conflict of interest – Brooks’ son has been serving in the Israeli military while Brooks has been commenting on Israel without divulging that his son was in the Israeli army. Ombudsmen are charged…

NPR covers for David Brooks

Not surprisingly, NPR’s ombudsman goes with the flow that will neither interfere with his current employment nor injure his future prospects in American journalism. Following is an email to me from the Office of the Ombudsman, and below that is my response to NPR: Dear Alison, Thank you for contacting…

Will PBS now follow NYT lead on disclosing David Brooks’ conflict of interest?

The New York Times ombudsman (“public editor”) has now said that the Times should disclose to readers the fact that the son of columnist David Brooks, who often comments about Israel, is serving in the Israeli military. Ethics codes require such disclosure. So far, however, PBS has stated nothing about…

A question for Margaret Sullivan, New York Times public editor, regarding David Brooks

Regarding David Brooks’ son serving in the Israeli military, New York Times ombudsman (known at the Times as the “public editor”) Margaret Sullivan writes: “Mr. Brooks’s son is serving as a member of a foreign military force that has been involved in a serious international conflict – one that the…

NYT columnist David Brooks should read National Society of Newspaper Columnists’ code of ethics

The website for the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, referred to by TimesWarp analyst Barbara Erickson, seems to have been taken down. However, another site has the text of its code of conduct for columnists:  As a newspaper columnist, I will strive to inform, educate and entertain my readers. I will…

My email to New York Times Public Editor about David Brooks’ conflict of interest

Today I sent the following email to the New York Times Public Editor’s office: In September 2014, New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote: “The Times could do a lot more to alert readers about conflicts of interests of sources used by the paper.” Similarly, The Times could and should…

The New York Times, NPR, and PBS must divulge David Brooks’ conflict of interest

It has now come out that David Brooks’ son is serving in the Israeli military. So while Brooks was providing pro-Israel commentary during Israel’s massacre in Gaza, his son was serving in the IDF. This clear conflict of interest should have required Brooks to recuse himself from commenting on Israel.…

David Brooks’ son is in the Israeli Military… Inside & outside the Mondoweiss, Common Dreams loop…

The following explores a variety of cover-ups and sort of cover-ups… David Brooks is a prominent and powerful journalist. He is a columnist for the New York Times and a commentator for PBS New Hour and NPR. Now we learn, through an article in Jewish Journal, that Brooks’ son is…