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Month: February 2013

Jack Lew: An Israeli-tilting fox to guard the Treasury hen house?

Israel partisan Jacob “Jack” Lew, Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, received big bucks from banking interests in a  job arranged by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin…  A Jan. 9th news story in Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper, Obama to nominate Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew, as next U.S. Treasury Secretary, reports that…

Richard Curtiss

I’ve just posted some messages on Facebook about Richard Curtiss’s recent death, and If Americans Knew sent out an announcement, but I’d like to write a little more about his importance. A former career Foreign Service Officer, Curtiss helped to found an extremely important publication, The Washington Report on Middle…

More on the Gilad Atzmon controversy – and why it matters…

I’d rather be researching and writing articles on Palestine-Israel; analyzing media coverage ; placing advertisements and billboards around the country; creating fact-sheets, cards, booklets and other materials on the topic; updating the websites (e.g. here and here and here) we’ve created to get the facts out; creating new initiatives; and…