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Aid and Comfort to the Enemy: American Legion Honchos Betray Liberty Veterans

My latest article is at Of course, now Israel partisans (and probably these reprehensible American Legion bigwigs) will claim I’m “anti-Semitic,” a foolish and unfounded charge. Of course, the last refuge of scoundrels is name-calling.

Edward Said:

“…not everyone is afraid, and not every voice can be silenced…” CounterPunch, March 16, 2001

Israel Shahak reply to criticism of “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel”

The Response…from Israel Shahak Israel Shahak, Tel. and Fax 02-5633-99 2 Bartenura St. Jerusalem 92184, Israel A VINDICATION Answer to the slanders of Stefan Bialoguski against “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel” by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky (Pluto Press, 1999). Stefan Bialoguski thinks that intellectual and often public terror employed in…

My latest interaction with the ADL

Originally published by CounterPunch: If Americans Knew: A Modest Proposal to the Anti-Defamation League Dear Abe Foxman, Thank you! Our organization, If Americans Knew, is enormously honored by our inclusion in your recent Top Ten list of “anti-Israel groups” – in reality, organizations working most strenuously and effectively to oppose Israel’s brutal…