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Letters to the Daily Californian

Some people have sent me letters they had sent to the Daily Cal in response to published letters to the editor that contained false information on Israel-Palestine and that attacked If Americans Knew and me personally. (See more details here.) A few were written before the Daily Cal refused to…

Daily Californian: How can they possibly justify publishing defamatory letters against me and not publish my letter in response??

In late May the Daily Californian, the UC Berkeley campus newspaper, published letters to the editor defaming If Americans Knew and me personally. As soon as I became aware of these letters, online, I phoned the person responsible for the letters section, Jonathan Kuperberg, to ask if they had also…

White House Correspondents Association refuses table to Helen Thomas at upcoming dinner – on 50th anniversary of allowing women journalists to attend, a breakthrough accomplished by Helen

I just sent the following message to the president of the White House Correspondents Association about their decision to refuse to allow Helen Thomas to purchase a table at their upcoming dinner. I hope others will contact them about this, also. (202-266-7453 phone; 202-266-7454 fax) Dear Caren Bohan, I hope…

HR 347: How did another assault on our rights slip through without anybody noticing?

H.R.347, the `Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011′ has just been passed. This makes it a federal offense, with imprisonment of at least up to one year, for any “unauthorized” person to enter or remain in a building — or the grounds — where the Secret Service…

As Israeli girls run away to Arab villages, Israel’s “Anti-Assimilation Organization” and “Pro-Jewish Identity NGO” are on the job

Israel National News reports that a young Jewish teenager fell in love with an Arab, converted to Islam, and decided to marry him, running away from home to do so. The parents, horrified, called the police, and after weeks of searching, located her. While many parents would quite likely be…