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Alison Weir Posts

A Reminder…

Please remember to check Israel-Palestine Uncensored, our news blog, for daily (almost) updates on events in the region largely going uncovered by US media…

More information on Israeli organ trafficking and harvesting

[petition calling for an investigation] A few weeks ago, following my article in CounterPunch “Israeli Organ Harvesting: The New ‘Blood Libel’?”(now available in Spanish, French, and Italian), the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs asked me to write a piece on this topic for their publication. In conducting research for…

Israeli organ harvesting?

[A petition is here – useful synopsis of issues involved] [Relevant videos are at the end of the entry] With all the heat engendered by the recent Swedish article, “Our sons plundered for their organs,” I feel that there is a need for some clarification and logical discussion.  First, I’d…

Back in the U.S.

We were only allowed to spend 24 hours in Gaza prison – an intense experience filled with images of destroyed buildings and devastated lives… A giant ghetto filled with invisible starvation…  I haven’t had much time to do any personal writing, but immediately began some short speaking tours and have…

Viva Palestina Sendoff

Here are some photos from the rally in New York and of the humanitarian supplies we will be taking to Gaza.

Anti-Defamation League Defames Me – My Letter to the ADL

I’ve discovered that the Anti-Defamation League, whose devotion to Israel-right-or-wrong many people feel is extremely destructive, has listed me first in those it has decided are “anti-Israel.” In looking through their entry about me, I’ve noticed a number of distortions and inaccuracies; however, I generally don’t think it’s worthwhile to…